Wednesday, March 30, 2016

It Is Written

"It's going down, I'm yelling timber!" - Pitbull & Kesha

Yep!  You know it, 
the faithful blindsided,
evil is evil because it's very convincing

Proverbs 14:5

eyes open,
haze free,
holy shit - that's the "I've always known you"...

Malachi 3:18 

Mask removed--
Didn't see that "clothing" coming!
Though it is as it was written...

2 Timothy 4:3-4 

God is calling us forward,

Luke 15:1-7

We must go where we must (poached) to know;

1 John 4:1

Nope, not locking horns any more--
God has me stepping aside now,
my services no longer needed here...

2 Timothy 4:17

He is gathering His flock,
He has been roused with anger;
Shepard His own sheep now,
just as it was written...

Ezekiel 34:11-16

Now what?  None of my business!!!
Titus 3:10-11