Friday, July 31, 2015

CHRISTmas Everyday

Christmas Everyday                              

People fear love,
people don't fear sex as much,
people fear, love.
Especially God's Love
manifested humanly.

     Christ the Flow

Moving us into communities of God's Love;

stirs up heart and soulful things
not groin and loin--
tingling from head to feet
in this place
filled with You.

It is about Love:


     Christ the Bridge                                                          


     Christ the Messiah

Keeping us close;

sharing on another level,
quiet and service and gratitude--
purest of pure, truest of true,

God's Love, Christmas everyday.

Monday, July 27, 2015


I don't know if any pay mind to my, most often in Advent and Lent, "Try something new."
I am going to try something old--no, I am not trying to bring my hair color back hahahha

I am implementing a ‪#‎TechDownTuesday‬ for myself.
Old school. Nothing outside of phone usage, technology wise, old school phone usage; Dial and Talk! (leave it home)

Use of paper and pen, use of books vs internet, limiting the TV and go outside and "play." I feel as I get older I am realising (yes, always the UK 's' it isn't a misspell) that I allowed mainstream society to side track me.

As a child, and not having anything remotely close to a "Cleaver" household, I still was able to focus above and connect so deeply with God and God's creations--including myself!! I had a flash this morning of many actual instances, hence my; HEY! I have free will! smile emoticon

I am starting with Tuesday being I partake in the 9:15 am 30 minute'ish morning prayer at church--I can say for me, that is so elemental.‪#‎asheepsruleofthumb‬ if you will wink emoticon

Thursday, July 23, 2015




Jump back
Ten feet for every square inch
Pointing fingers
Deer in the headlights
Projecting blame


Pure as can be
Want of nothing
On earth as it is in Heaven

Conceptual Overload--

Busting at the seams, overflowing
God's love


Sunday, July 19, 2015

Not Really All That Prophetic

Until I realised what seems meant by the words I heard; (see "Won't You Join Me")
"You are not here for you. You are here for Me." 

I still struggled with the state(S) of transient. (and will again!)

* I am not claiming to fully understand!
Though, I am here for God's purpose--Christ's work.
* I am deeply Spiritual and look forward to all that is and is to come from there.
* I am not a sexual being. 
* I am using/maintaining the "vehicle" given to me as Christ's hands and feet and everything in between in the best ways I know how.
* I am provided for and guided in ways that are far from just material.
* I am a believer. 
Christ came.  Christ died.  Christ rose.
* I am here to absorb what Christ needs me to. I am here to witness and share and testify. 
Not to fix, get side tracked or judge.
* I am here for You--
My life is healthy, happy and rich.  
 * I am HIS!!!   feeling connected. 

Anyone who is in Christ is a new creation.
New Life is ours, even beginning in the 'here' just allow it.
"Just settle in"


Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Keeping It Real

There will be times in our life,
Someone we knows life,
Or someone of someone we knows life-
Where people who are supposed to:
Fail greatly, rather,
Harm, exploit, act maliciously, even selfishly...
As disheartening, disappointing or downright devastating as it may feel;

Hands tied...

"You must decide which ties to make and which to break" -David Reagan
— feeling Keeping It Real.