Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Came In Like A Lamb

Came In Like A Lamb

o'come Emmanuel, we sing, praise and celebrate
what's in a name...

2019 year of  shackles broken,
mud dried and cracked, 
like Banner becoming the Hulk,
fuck your psychological prison cells
plain as day, transparency 

turned 46
in remission of symptoms
all year

functioning optimally
logic has re-entered the building
starting college again,
I'm going to be a chef!

God is with us;
up on my own two
came in like a lamb, 
going out like the "Tiger" I am 

Taking my power back, 2020
ring up the curtain
it feels good to be back 

My name is:  Michelle

over and over again
the mind gets tripped and triggered
wrapped all up in illness
gaslight and walk away
like it ain't nothin'
I ain't mad
every time
I come out new and improved
like a vintage stingray split window coupe
pulled from the scrap yard
and restored

smoking tires to easy Sunday drives
ya know it's gonna be alright"

Here's to a fresh 2020
so long 2019, you've been good to me!