Thursday, September 24, 2015

BuilD UP; words

If you ever wondered, I do have one of those creepy memories. (words to images, very precise, triggered by key things sending me rifling through what I call the file cabinet in my head for the pic which tells the 'story')
I also, have a tendency okay more automatic habit of jotting during worship. It's part of worship for me.
I also have a habit of saving & logging things, though not at all to a pack-rat degree or style. For future draw-upon; "oh wait, I know, hold on!" So, yawn--enough about me!
Perhaps it is the Pope's arrival and how I admire much of what he says and how he is trying best a Pope can, I suppose, to be as common as the most common of folk. Also taking a lot of flack for not wearing red shoes, (and who would, that is so been to Oz done that), and not being carted about in the pimp mobile, oops, Pope mobile wink emoticon That brought my thoughts to 08/09/15. I saw outside the Strathallen that morning a Dalai Lama look a like and a few of his peeps and shared a warm hello kinda hoping he would cross the street and join us, then thinking should I have asked?
The second pic was jotted as John preached, "Power of Words."
I admit my handwriting is much to be admired though should be legible. (and yes, I pride myself in admitting, I am a piss-poor speller!) I have taken a few hits this Summer and was feeling a bit angry but that turned around during this service:
Use words that BUILD UP
That IS a job we have regardless of the outcome...

Monday, September 14, 2015

Unite In Love

A conversation with a friend-

"What can we, people like you and me, do to help all the violence going on right now?"
Of course, like most people feeling helpless and yes some frustration.
(I personally take offense to being lumped into some privileged category. I also tire of it being forgotten there is but ONE RACE and I feel we should stop the labels and tags and moving forward be ONE RACE. Stop the blame unite in love)

My reply;  "well, I guess the best thing we can, you and me, do is to not be part of the problem."

My reply to the churches are being said not to be doing enough;
"All church doors are open. All are welcome. No fee is required to enter."

My reply to a few other varied things;
"Change yes, begins with oneself - no one can change another. Best we can do is set a good example and pray."
"Christ has to be met where one themselves meets Him to know Him."

In our convo a how would a million dollars help and where would it best be utilized...
My reply; "throwing dollar upon dollar at problems is a bandaid on a broken arm. One of our shootings was at a boys and girls club, so money is not the number one need. Always a first thought though if you think about it." 

Peace cannot be $paid.00 for - Christ already did that!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Presumably So

Does anyone ever wonder what toll is taken on one to be so resilient?

Does anyone ever wonder does one so resilient cry themselves to sleep?

Does anyone ever wonder what one so resilient wonders?

Does anyone ever wonder how far is too far before one so resilient can no longer recoil?

Does anyone ever wonder 


just presume?