Saturday, December 30, 2017

>99 Luftballoons

99 Luftballoons; Nena   <---song 'popped' in my head when I saw this red balloon. 

Little Google background for those outside "Gen X":  
Text: Carlo Karges
Musik: J. U. Fahrenkrog-Petersen
This is the song that brought Nena to the attention of English-speaking people all over the world in 1984. This original German version, written by Carlo Karges, was released in Germany in February 1983.
The English version was written by Kevin McAlea and released in North America in 1984. Under the title "99 Red Balloons," that song (also sung by Nena) loosely follows the German lyrics though it is not the same as the direct English translation used here.
German LyricsDirect Translation by Hyde Flippo
Hast du etwas Zeit für mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Denkst du vielleicht g'rad an mich
Dann singe ich ein Lied für dich
Von 99 Luftballons
Und dass so was von so was kommt
Have you some time for me,
then I'll sing a song for you
about 99 balloons
on their way to the horizon.
If you're perhaps thinking about me right now
then I'll sing a song for you
about 99 balloons
and that such a thing comes from such a thing.
99 Luftballons
Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont
Hielt man für Ufos aus dem All
Darum schickte ein General
'ne Fliegerstaffel hinterher
Alarm zu geben, wenn es so wär
Dabei war'n da am Horizont
Nur 99 Luftballons
99 balloons
on their way to the horizon
People think they're UFOs from space
so a general sent up
a fighter squadron after them
Sound the alarm if it's so
but there on the horizon were
only 99 balloons.
99 Düsenjäger
Jeder war ein großer Krieger
Hielten sich für Captain Kirk
Das gab ein großes Feuerwerk
Die Nachbarn haben nichts gerafft
Und fühlten sich gleich angemacht
Dabei schoss man am Horizont
Auf 99 Luftballons
99 fighter jets
Each one's a great warrior
Thought they were Captain Kirk
then came a lot of fireworks
the neighbors didn't understand anything
and felt like they were being provoked
so they shot at the horizon
at 99 balloons.
99 Kriegsminister -
Streichholz und Benzinkanister -
Hielten sich für schlaue Leute
Witterten schon fette Beute
Riefen Krieg und wollten Macht
Mann, wer hätte das gedacht
Dass es einmal soweit kommt
Wegen 99 Luftballons
99 war ministers
matches and gasoline canisters
They thought they were clever people
already smelled a nice bounty
Called for war and wanted power.
Man, who would've thought
that things would someday go so far
because of 99 balloons.
99 Jahre Krieg
Ließen keinen Platz für Sieger
Kriegsminister gibt's nicht mehr
Und auch keine Düsenflieger
Heute zieh' ich meine Runden
Seh' die Welt in Trümmern liegen
Hab' 'nen Luftballon gefunden
Denk' an dich und lass' ihn fliegen
99 years of war
left no room for victors.
There are no more war ministers
nor any jet fighters.
Today I'm making my rounds
see the world lying in ruins.
I found a balloon,
think of you and let it fly (away).

I couldn't stop shooting it until the song completed in my head;
I walked away, leaving it be, just as I found it...

I may never know its destiny
however, this encounter was meant to be...

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Peace is~

Peace is~
The tingling, warm feelings in my chest
like at any given moment my heart will burst out from within.

Peace is~
Fighting to keep my eyes open, when I am not even tired
with every eyelid flutter more soothing than the other.

Peace is~
No matter time or place, the you-ness of you existing comfortably, almost weightlessly
aware, yet, without a worry or care.

Unexpectedly Extinguished

The 1st Advent candle was lit, we sang
and then, it went out.

The 1st candle was re-lit and the second candle was then lit, we sang
and then, they went out.

As if from lit to out, my mind wound down
unexpectedly extinguished, with those candle flames.

 Without a word, familiar presence
rest well, here with me.

Softly whispered, within my chest
pen to paper;

Life in a candle
to hope is but a dance with a peaceful flame,
rekindling moments
in every wick
joyfully burning my smoldering soul
lovingly flickering
Advent fantasies...

 ^-The process -^

Saturday December 09, 2017

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


The usual custom for awakening is a "Good Morning" and a big ole mug of coffee!

But what about a Spiritual Awakening?  Knowing something amazing is going on, feeling a need for solidarity yet, connection for sharing and dialog with "others."  Well, there are plenty of others to talk to, believe me, I could waste 18 hours a day in bullshit conversation--that is an American term; "we were just sitting around bullshitting" or "just shooting the shit."  

I am not really a fan of those terms anymore, the only way to explain that is like when you out grow anything.  Perhaps it isn't so much the terminology rather the root of what the term means that turns me off..."pointless chatter."  Go ahead, get offended, those of you who do talk at me, over me, to me and wonder...or better yet, don't and know it doesn't matter!
     That's right, it does not matter--no one but me is responsible for how I feel or don't feel or react and vise versa.  It bears no reflection but much can be learned if we set with that feeling of being offended.  It is truly one of the best Spiritual Awakenings--that's where the ego feeds!!!  (multiple exclamation points because this growth personally ignites a fire within me)

So, here I am, minding my own business, some not-so-many years ago *BAM* 'Spiritual Awakening' nudging me.  And scaring the hell out of me!  That's right, it scared me into a looking over my shoulder for another mental break.  It also scared me because many things I had professed, prayed and lamented to God and God alone were staring right back at me...Confusing me.  Testing me.  Transforming me.  Growing me.  Preparing me for ____________(fill in the blank).  This year it was not cupcakes but, breaking from society.  
     Look, I don't know what's next or yet to come--what I DO know is I know what I am doing even though it is a mystery.

Where I am struggling is really in the placement of boundaries.  I no longer find a lot of  my "older patterns" (AKA the "false self" which is very ego based) my way, my path -- there where the road forked, I went the other way.  I do not seek the company of others.  Yes, I do not seek the company of others.  I seek Faith in "for everything there is a season", I seek God's timing and placement for sharing and connecting--not creating it myself or fumbling back into places I am expected or I feel obligated.  

For my heart knows its home and that space is to be free from defilement.  That's my call.  I cannot answer it yet, I tried, I was hung up on.  And until I stopped getting "hung up on" everything and reflected silently then I felt what I know.  What I know is this:   I accept all this.  My pilgrimage is mine and mine alone.  We are supposed to turn toward and lean on God (not (wo)man) and with all things, God will provide--God will provide spaces and places for sharing.
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

No, I am not leaving my blogspot.  I am however mixing and splitting things up.  Almost like having a few books going at once or a few journals for different thoughts.

Feel free to check me out on wordpress, where the focus for me will be more of the meditative, quiet, Spiritual reflections--more of the going in.
Happy Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Seven Days; Gratitude

Day One:

So, September 01, 2013 I attended church as I regularly do--with one exception, I was so fricken hung over.  I had, out of guilt and shame, that morning around 4/4:30am completely shaved my head.  I could have stayed home, I have never shown to church remotely under the influence before.

Side Bar:  I had renewed my NYS ID card that next day, as I no longer drive I let my license expire, I have opted to leave that awful picture of myself until the 10 year mark of my sobriety.  Why?  It is a constant reminder of what was, what is and what will be.  More than that, it reminds me of the day, I looked up at one very dear and confessed "I have a drinking problem and if I don't stop, I'm going to die."  A heartbroken face looked back at me and said; "I know.  I've seen it before."  I then asked if we could talk and while they were gripping the coffee in both hands tightly a formally stated; "not.  today." ---> THIS still matters to me and this still, as twisted as it may seem, is what has helped to keep me from relapsing.  That and...I have an eternal life to look forward to and doing harm to myself and those who care, isn't in the plan.

What makes me grateful about being sober?  How is this something to give thanks for?

Because I did it.  I quit, have never gone back or wanted to go back.  I never thought--and I thought about quitting hundreds of times before I turned 40, dozens of times weekly before I turned 20, hand-full of times daily in my 30's--but I never could imagine my life without self medicating at the bottom of a bottle.  I could never imagine myself able to enjoy life here without drinking through it.  I could never imagine people liking me without the societal "normal", the 'mask' was what was likable...believe me, looking back I see large chunks of not being able to imagine my being able to interact with societal "normal" without the 'mask' either.

What has changed?  It is honestly the difference very much like underwater vs. on land.  Underwater sight, very clear and beautiful sometimes--oh it is, however there is so much that blurs the sharper image at times and clouds up in spots, making the unknown potentially more dangerous.  Whereas head out of water enables you to better navigate the cloudy, blurry, obstructed areas--and you can breathe, freely & naturally...ability to go deeper...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Sunday, November 12, 2017

In Anticipation

It's as if I'm on the outside looking in
Appearance of thick skin
Unwavering fidelity
Every tear that falls
     Testing me

how long, O' Lord, how long

As the rose a gift to the thorn                                              
Pleasure and pain coexist
Who am I to question why
But a fool shall hastily pluck
     Disciplining me

how long, O' Lord, how long

Lovelier a bouquet
Patiently enduring day to day
Leaving all be trusting in Thee
Bearing hope until the day

     In anticipation, waiting 

Monday, November 6, 2017

Dear God,

I am so tired of reading/hearing the words "mass shooting."
I am equally tired of hearing "our thoughts and prayers are with those grieving" - I am sorry, it feels inadequate for the TX Church incident--the latest of the recent mass shootings (to the best of my knowledge anyway)...

How do I react to this, well, my nose runs and the tears flow and I pray:  God, what now, how do I (re)act?  Be kinder to those I encounter?  Be more aware of my surroundings?  Be a better listener?  Get my signature on more petitions and proposals? Pass out cards for mental health care?

I don't know but, I start with all of the above. I also start by realizing the best and only way for me to control this situation is not to fear.

Lord, as I move through my days here on earth, let me do so with the confidence that wherever my days may lead me, whomever my days may lead me to and however my days may unfold, You are there. May I encounter all knowing and trusting; 
"these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"  -1 Corinthians 13:13.  Amen.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Enough Is Enough

I'm actually not sure where to begin.

I engaged in a conversation recently that left me still really contemplating.  Contemplation is my friend.  I will give fair warning, this content may be a trigger for some folks.

I, personally, dislike pressing 1 for English, pressing 2 for continue, 5 for something else, 1 for yes and 2 for no.  It is nothing personal - it is the whole automated system; "are you kidding me!  REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!"

I am aware there are folks, like my recently had conversation, that find "press 1 for English" some sort of disrespect to them?  I place a question mark there because in all fairness, I doubt they really know why it bothers them or if, in fact, it deeply does even bother them.  Listening and feeling I'm trying to be swayed into agreement or some sort of tirade on the subject, I just continued to listen.  Leading into how we differ on the whole "take a knee" during the national anthem issue.   I am "down with it" and this individual feels opposite my take on the flag being disrespected has nothing to do with the kneeling during the national anthem but more disrespectful to our nation is the injustice and inequality.  However, I respect those who are on the other side of the fence.  Again, I continued to listen as the conversation, swift right to if people come to America, they should dress and act like us.  First, in my head was--what does that even mean???  I am now curious so I raise the issue of diversity.  Quickly explained away with diversity can exist while still respecting the need to conform...and not our conforming to "their ways"...I cannot believe how truly bigoted my "space" is.

This may not seem like much to some however, enough is enough.

The summary of the, I want to say conversation but, it seems too polite was this:  If you come here, to America, you damn well better represent the way we want you to.  You owe us.  You let go of all else; who you are, your language, your culture, your core, your being and you suit up and you join us and you look like us and you better learn our language and stand when our flag is in sight and that anthem plays.  Dress and speak how you choose at home.  These are not my views, beliefs or oh my God anything else...I exited this conversation, not surprised, I have heard this all before, just now am seeing new light, especially in my "space."  
Or perhaps, I am actually now hearing what is being said; these are this individual's truths.

These are "truths" I just can not stand for and will not stand with.

I pray, amen.

National Anthem Fun Facts:  Francis Scott Key  John Stafford Smith

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

If I May

heavy-laden 'tis this heart of mine
deeply troubled, my soul

head-shit gets so out of control
Mother Nature, on steroids 

smoke clears
yellow tape, "Disaster Area"                            

yep, 'twas I who ripped through
her(e), head in hands

in Jesus Christ we are forgiven
thanks be to God, however

if I may be so bold
I am so sorry I hurt you, I pray daily...

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

"...and there you have the facts of life"

Awoke without a hitch just a few minutes past six.  After topping off the cat dishes and starting the caffeine IV drip, I turned the TV on and caught the last 15 minutes of "The Facts of Life."

It was the episode where Jo and Blair go back home for the weekend, each staying with a long time friend and separately have their own same experiences; realizing their friends are "the same."  Jo has an experience with her long time friend, who maintains the old Bronx "us against them" rough and tumble rude attitude, who soon takes to getting angry that Jo has changed since being away at Eastland boarding school.  Taking shots like; when you're there do you drink with your pinkie up?  Or down?

The scene takes place at the Bronx community center where Jo's friend gets riled up at some elder men playing checkers all because they asked if she could pick up two they dropped.  She again gets riled up, trying to rile the Jo she once knew to join her in defacing a newly finished, Spanish mural.  The end result was a scuffle where Jo takes the can of spray paint and points out the beauty of the mural and that the turf Jesse is sabotaging out of hostile stick-to-itiveness is a community center--and they are all part of the same community.  This leaves Jo's friend exiting with a stay somewhere else because now you're on "their side"-unity within community's side.

Meanwhile Blair has a very similar visit with her friend from an equally affluent background.  Her friend having a gathering and the maid is MIA.  This is a travesty and unacceptable and everything is ruined moment.  After trying to reason her friend into it isn't the end of the world, Blair grabs an apron deciding to make tuna salad, happily.  Her friend thinks this is no time for jokes or even worse - Blair knows how to use a can opener! The whole time Blair combats small jabs about how, clearly, it is the poor influence of the once well revered now will just let "anyone" in Eastland boarding school. 

The maid arrives after having a tooth extracted and points out to Blair's friend how everything is preset and that she is on schedule.  Blatant disregard and disrespect for the maid upsets Blair and she asks the maid how her tooth is.  This inquiring riles up Blair's friend enough to make the point that Blair has become something undesirable; "on her side"-the maid's side.

As Blair meets up with Jo at the coffee shop to head back to Eastland, they have a love hate relationship mind you, without saying much at all, they realize they are grateful to have each other and that the words, "the same" bear both sadness and gladness.

I found this particularly timely this morning as just yesterday I struggled with thoughts of is this "normal" that people get upset when I'm growing and changing in positive ways?  Is it "normal" that I see those negative and unhealthy more and more the stronger the positive and healthy becomes?  It is "normal" to feel some try to rile the 'old me' up?  Is it "normal" some will get upset with my growth?  Is it "normal" I question my positive strides because I'm feeling some resistance around me?


bearing both sadness and gladness!

Thursday, October 5, 2017


I have mental problems and the last couple years was a new one for me - "rapid cycling" Bipolar, I didn't know this one because it is not my normal Bipolar cycle. 

Church is the only place I can take a break from myself.  I am with me 24/7/365, though, as a caregiver as well and I think even if people can't understand my mental struggles; that there is a whole hell of a lot that goes on behind the scenes before I can present myself to the day/others--outside my home, there are many that can understand the caregiver roll portion and needing a break.  From those with kids to those with aging folks and to those who work in the field, etc. you need a break.  I don't have that option, even on vacation, (or "stay-cation"), I have to tend to me and there is greater "prep-work." 
     Train of thought:  at church I get a break, even if I am doing things or something, it is a break:

     It means a lot for me to be able to feel uncrowded, I feel crowded by myself often.  I don't want to talk to people who ask; "so, when can we get together?"--that is not a break.  I don't want folks climbing on/over me or sitting on my lap--I need air.  I don't want folks to take away from my time of being able to receive.  Receive Peace.  Church is the place I feel able (but struggling to be fully able) to just rest and enjoy Presence.  I know many come on Sunday and like to socialize, cool!  I need to 'desocialize' not be anti-social but,  desocialize.  That for me means, feeling shared space and comfortable silence while among others in a place and with folks I want to be around, (kind of the opposite of resocialize).  If folks want to talk about the sermon, (which I wish more would), I would sit for hours after and do that.  Or about some type of spiritual thoughts, questions, pondering, what-ifs--I'm in.  If you want to ask how I am feeling and I begin to tell you and explain and now well, that's enough here, no one gives me a chance to really answer it is more a rhetorical question, I dislike small talk--we don't have to make small talk. 
     I guess my point is what I need is for folks to understand I am not able to have a break often and if you'd like to engage me during this time, please understand you are treading where I'd rather you didn't, during this time.  If you want to be part of my "wellness" you have to be part of my "illness" -  you just can't be part of my life when I am "okay" or "looking sweet" - all in with me and I understand not everyone wants a friend they have to be careful with and that's okay, I'm really understanding there!  I will still gladly greet and be nice and jovial when I feel good but that is as deep as my friendships really will go, especially when I am at church--that truly is my break from myself.  My needed time away from myself-that is really sacred space, one day I may be able to share that with one really special.

I can no longer "settle" my time--hence, some outside church adjustments I am making too.  I cannot be settling my time there anymore either, I need my time to centrally focus on church and spiritual and mental stimulation, that is stability, for me --realization of the juggling I've been doing is actually hindering not helping my stability has cast new light-- I have hindered my [st]ability to form healthy relationships, by continuing to go against the grain.  By continuing to engage in unsupportive relationships and "fast food" activities I have left myself wide open for repeated "malnutrition."  

     I know this is kind of a mess and probably sounds like wow, I hate everyone and want no one to talk to me--no, not at all, please be patient, I am under construction:

     I, literally, have a team of qualified experts helping me find my way back, to me--I am one who loves more than anything where I am at, I really want to be able to form healthy relationships among those I worship with.  I really am one who knows I deserve to do what I need to do.  I really am one who won't stand in my own way, any longer, to get what I need to be healthy.  

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Repeat, Deplete

People don't know how to shut the fuck up and listen.  Just shut your brain off, open your ears and close your mouth, listen.  I seek not correction or to have you cut me off, one up me or I am the same way or a solution or a nod of agreement and then off you go to say and do the exact opposite.  

My (least) favorite of them all is minimization: 

verb (used with object), minimized, minimizing. 
to reduce to the smallest possible amount or degree.
to represent at the lowest possible amount, value, importance,influence, etc., especially in a disparaging way; belittle.
Related forms--minimization, noun 

Here is where I am at; my "inner circle" consists of paid people, so basically I have employees to be my friends and listen (how pathetic is this); Spiritual Director, Therapist, Group therapy and Clergy.  "No, that's not true"'re right, I have a number of folks I spend time with and a great number who want to pin me down often and spend time with me--no one really listens.  I know so much about all whom I encounter--because I listen, I cannot say the same.  I long for that one person I can call a companion or a life partner--a non-romantic life partner, I had that once, was nice but, I am a mess and no, no, that can't be normal or right...LMFAO people--I am so damn sick and tired of every damn body knowing me better than I do--and these are the folks not paid BTW, you know, don't listen...I have a mental illness.

No, you are not that way.  I get that way sometimes too  -- "minimization." 

I want my life back...I have so much dirt under what's left of my fingernails from clawing, white-knuckle holding on and pulling myself back up from what other's "minimize" and tell me; "I get that way sometimes too."


Do you wish you were dead?  Do you want nothing more in the world than to not wake up??  Do you pray to God literally, "please, I want to come home now."  Do you wake disheartened that you woke to live another day like the Bill Murray movie, "Groundhog Day?"  Do you apologize for existing because you can barely deal with yourself?  Do you???  Tell me sometimes you do, I will believe that!  However, I will also tell you that this is a lifestyle for me.  God knows I am not suicidal, as do I, however, the behind the scenes of the person you know so well, (by not really listening to them), is something you have no insight into...

Before I leave the house, you have NO IDEA, the routine of things I must complete, that can either make or break my day depending on how much time I have prior.

I have become aware; I settle a lot.  I am a "pick your battles" kind of being to begin with, however, settling or not settling is not a battle.  I don't need to "settle" my time.  I deserve to do what I need to do without having to explain or "defend" myself.  That way when I do have to be "on" in the world around me, I can enjoy that, without killing myself.  The Summer is over and I have to add, I have barely done any alone wandering that I enjoy and love to do.  I have not had my bike out once.  Because the "off" time I have had has been trying to recharge and as soon as I have become recharged right back into the extrovert role, depleting me rapidly.  I am not an extrovert.  

I am not used to so many people in my life--it became like with a job--too much stress, interaction and different directions, too many places all at once.  I couldn't keep up and was juggling, I cannot do those things.  Not blaming, stress is my trigger, and I didn't read my own warning labels - "like a job" when things feel like a job or I start waking stressed like I used to when I worked or not sleeping and worrying and what day is it or what time is it--that's the trigger!  I want my life back...I really short circuit otherwise and if folks can't understand then that is okay because anything outside that, for me, is literally toxic.  

Maybe it isn't my fault people don't listen but, it is my fault going against the grain of who I am and making myself and symptoms worse.

Maybe it is my fault that I care what people think but, it's not my fault when I am telling you what I need and you're not hearing me...

Here's to taking my life back:  Spiritual Direction and Mental Therapy, Prayer and Church--these are my needs.  I'll do what I need to do for me to maintain these, aka ME.

And maybe one day, there'll be someone I can share these with.

Saturday, September 9, 2017


Lives past; so many intertwine
people, places, reinventions of self
all blur into one
any differential is null
False authenticity
the genuine stamp
Not alone there
Albeit, my heart knew better
like a foreign language
heard or read, no comprehension
shake the head, "whatever who cares"
Living dead--foolishness and folly


I haven't turned out at all as I expected…
I expected I'd have been six feet under long ago
Not alone there
Thanks be to God
having other plans for me--redemption


Very much alive; present day
Messy and dirty, spotless and clean
all blur into one
any differential is null
Authentic Faithfulness
the genuine Stamp
Not alone here
Better knowing my heart, albeit
Language, no longer confused
Hearing but one, universal comprehension
Bow the head, "wherever You lead"
Life abundant--salvation


                 ~ I shall not be moved

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Sunday, July 2, 2017

The "Day's Eye"

The "Day's Eye"       






Wednesday, June 28, 2017

God's Novel

I really dig this title:

1.  God's Novel;  God's book; illustrations; how God reads to me; how God teaches me to read, etc.

2.  God's Novel:  God IS novel.

Often I wait to hear the story before I post here on this blog.  I always when I hear the story or feel it enough to sit down at the keyboard and wait until it just flows have an image or images of what God has shown me pop into my head.  Usually, it is already in the physical memory; Micro SD cards, Flash Drives and/or internal memory, oh and the "clouds" of many!  Sometimes it is just a matter of a day or two and there it is--God's accompanying picture!!

My Instagram account is full of God's sense of humor and our shared goofy, dorky, nonsense and our way of interacting in day to day life.  

Not many folks I know have an IG (Instagram) account or a Google+ (which I don't really use either, except for the auto-sharing of this blogspot content), everyone has Facebook.  I feel nothing but angst when I view my Facebook feed lately; what can I do about that and still share the wonderful reality God shows me?

I can create a new page!  Here is God's Novel:  Link to God's Novel

God speaks to me through a lens; you are not here for you-you are here for Me.

"All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it."

Feel free, should you choose to check it out, "Follow" or "Like" it or not.  This page is mainly just images with a brief, at times, caption.

May the headline bring "Good News"
Grace and Peace,


Thursday, June 22, 2017

If the Colors Run

colors soothe and comfort me
carrying my being
so many memories
far away
bleeding into one
not today
tripped and triggered
thousands of miles per second
hold on
let go
either way

I stand still
here and now
all around consuming me

black and white
greyscale fade and shade
focus me
once in a while
if the colors run
who will really see...