Thursday, December 31, 2015

"Be Still"

"Compassion Fatigue"

As I've been resting and tending myself, I realize many things...I feel the biggest or the one most come 

back to in many things is;  "be still and know that I am God."  

Be still in speech sometimes - I am feeling is probably the most peace we can not only use BUT offer. 

(really not all that Prophetic more Proverbial)

Sometimes things said could be better stated by just being still with them...

Freedom of speech is an earthy right,

Freedom to choose fool or wise is Heavenly!

Everything is a carrier of Peace ...

Be still and know that I am God = Be still and know I am Peace.  Peace = Love.  I am Love.

Love is kind and gentle.  Love does not envy or boast.  

More Love shall ripple into this New Year now that Peace has been birthed - Christ the Savior is born!

And yes, being still and yes, knowing God is God is really, with minimal effort on my part, helping me not 

only rest and recover, though greater than that actually 'feel' and 'live' that very Stillness, that very 

Love, that is our God.

Holy God, as we enter into another new year may we reevaluate the importance of "be still" in more than 

just action...Amen!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Peace is~

Peace is~
The tingling, warm feelings in my chest
like at any given moment my heart will burst out from within.

Peace is~
Fighting to keep my eyes open, when I am not even tired
with every eyelid flutter more soothing than the other.

Peace is~
No matter time or place, the you-ness of you existing comfortably, almost weightlessly
aware, yet, without a worry or care.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


Bursts of beauty, from within
Alabaster glowing, radiance
Voice of an angel, taking flight
Unto the darkness, of my mind
Flickering Advent fantasies
Come Beloved, I welcome thee
As the warmth consumes me...


Upside Down

What a blessing I have come to find

Once flustered
And to be quite frank
Really pissed
More often than not

Cursing, why me,
Consumed by anger and envy
Like I was indeed "owed" better than the hand I'd been dealt;

What kind of God are you anyway
At every turn jerking my chain
How dare you!
I deserve more!
Now my whole life is screwed
I'll never be happy
I'll never have what I want
One tack at a time
Nailing my coffin closed

Screaming, "I give up!"
Hard enough
The blood vessel in my eye popped...

What a blessing I have come to find

Granted a fulfilling life's career
Empathy and time
I would've no other way
been able to know!


For the handful of folks who've always encouraged my outside of the box thoughts and life; Spirituality.

I am a (positive) deviant of religious conformity and societal norms.  I am deeply Spiritual which for me is a deep connection to the Holy Spirit.  My life is based on deepening what that is, can be and will become.  Allowing the Spirit to guide and my always learning to listen and implement.

I recall as young as four knowing the Angels and knowing God was with me and feeling sad for Jesus.  My grandparents had Christ on the cross that hung in the house.  I recall even then in the worst of times being comforted from beyond this place (There was no comfort growing up within this place).

In my late teens and twenties pushed all that aside; doubtful to conformity.  After 2003 I lost all earthly gains including my thoughts and mind...I again opened my heart to what I "just knew" as a child.  Go with all that is, He is there even in "absence."  Trust the process:  Christ came and lived, Christ was crucified and died, Christ rose and lives endlessly.  Through this Jesus Christ, I have come to trust what some raise a brow in uncertainty - He is alive and within me.  Let my focus be on my relationship with the burning fire of the Holy Ghost within!

Grateful for my place at His table everyday.  Grateful for being guided and provided for, Lord knows I am not worthy, yet, He is okay with that and helps me lean on Him and learn from all things, deepening my ties that bind us.