Wednesday, June 28, 2017

God's Novel

I really dig this title:

1.  God's Novel;  God's book; illustrations; how God reads to me; how God teaches me to read, etc.

2.  God's Novel:  God IS novel.

Often I wait to hear the story before I post here on this blog.  I always when I hear the story or feel it enough to sit down at the keyboard and wait until it just flows have an image or images of what God has shown me pop into my head.  Usually, it is already in the physical memory; Micro SD cards, Flash Drives and/or internal memory, oh and the "clouds" of many!  Sometimes it is just a matter of a day or two and there it is--God's accompanying picture!!

My Instagram account is full of God's sense of humor and our shared goofy, dorky, nonsense and our way of interacting in day to day life.  

Not many folks I know have an IG (Instagram) account or a Google+ (which I don't really use either, except for the auto-sharing of this blogspot content), everyone has Facebook.  I feel nothing but angst when I view my Facebook feed lately; what can I do about that and still share the wonderful reality God shows me?

I can create a new page!  Here is God's Novel:  Link to God's Novel

God speaks to me through a lens; you are not here for you-you are here for Me.

"All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it."

Feel free, should you choose to check it out, "Follow" or "Like" it or not.  This page is mainly just images with a brief, at times, caption.

May the headline bring "Good News"
Grace and Peace,
