Saturday, June 17, 2017

Right Path

Last night pre-bed (and pre-Dateline) I was lying in bed talking to God, like I always do, as if God is right there in the room; talking aloud about well, everything; everything we didn't already talk about earlier or even if we had, let me repeat myself, God does.

Anyway, my turn to the left, grab the Student Bible that sits there on the nightstand, and randomly open, point, think silently began (this is not an out of the ordinary practice).  I opened to Luke and pointed just below the blue study box:  I read.

 Though I remained silent, does not take away from thought or "absorption" of what I read.  It also does not mean God left the building, it just means, silence is key--for me.  For me; beneficial, needed, important.

Oh how many "answers" or "more questions than answers" I have with what we talked about and this Spiritual practice of Ours (I capitalize the O because it is God and me-notice me is a lowercase m).  However, the take away, bold, bright and beautiful is this:
     I am on the right path!!!  And really think about a path, if you feel so inclined to do so...let's say (for example) the canal path on a walk or bike from Brighton to Pittsford Dairy - for me that is a familiar, yet unfamiliar ride; some road, some for a moment sidewalk, some grass lol, some curb-age, sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, sometimes my rear or feet hurt for a week, others not, sometimes I meet friends along the way or foes, I see familiar faces, unfamiliar, I am in my area, your area, their area, I am exhausted upon arrival, I am refreshed, then exhausted again on the way get the point.

the nightstand
to be refinished this Summer--yuck (;

I am on the right path. Amen.