Saturday, October 28, 2017

Enough Is Enough

I'm actually not sure where to begin.

I engaged in a conversation recently that left me still really contemplating.  Contemplation is my friend.  I will give fair warning, this content may be a trigger for some folks.

I, personally, dislike pressing 1 for English, pressing 2 for continue, 5 for something else, 1 for yes and 2 for no.  It is nothing personal - it is the whole automated system; "are you kidding me!  REPRESENTATIVE!!!!!"

I am aware there are folks, like my recently had conversation, that find "press 1 for English" some sort of disrespect to them?  I place a question mark there because in all fairness, I doubt they really know why it bothers them or if, in fact, it deeply does even bother them.  Listening and feeling I'm trying to be swayed into agreement or some sort of tirade on the subject, I just continued to listen.  Leading into how we differ on the whole "take a knee" during the national anthem issue.   I am "down with it" and this individual feels opposite my take on the flag being disrespected has nothing to do with the kneeling during the national anthem but more disrespectful to our nation is the injustice and inequality.  However, I respect those who are on the other side of the fence.  Again, I continued to listen as the conversation, swift right to if people come to America, they should dress and act like us.  First, in my head was--what does that even mean???  I am now curious so I raise the issue of diversity.  Quickly explained away with diversity can exist while still respecting the need to conform...and not our conforming to "their ways"...I cannot believe how truly bigoted my "space" is.

This may not seem like much to some however, enough is enough.

The summary of the, I want to say conversation but, it seems too polite was this:  If you come here, to America, you damn well better represent the way we want you to.  You owe us.  You let go of all else; who you are, your language, your culture, your core, your being and you suit up and you join us and you look like us and you better learn our language and stand when our flag is in sight and that anthem plays.  Dress and speak how you choose at home.  These are not my views, beliefs or oh my God anything else...I exited this conversation, not surprised, I have heard this all before, just now am seeing new light, especially in my "space."  
Or perhaps, I am actually now hearing what is being said; these are this individual's truths.

These are "truths" I just can not stand for and will not stand with.

I pray, amen.

National Anthem Fun Facts:  Francis Scott Key  John Stafford Smith