Monday, November 17, 2014


As Thanksgiving approaches, I often find myself in a more contemplative state of mindfulness.  

Much of my own Thanksgiving is the shared by others; blessings, changes, grateful fors, new founds, etc. of which they celebrate and embrace.  It is most refreshing to see and hear others testimonials as well as accomplishments.  In addition to how others live Thanksgiving.  

I continue to look forward to all of yours in addition to those whose paths cross mine day to day...

I am Thankful.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

The philosophical Tyger LOL

We all have "stuff" sometimes "tough stuff" enter our lives.

I find when I draw my attention to all else in my life and jaw not about the "tough stuff" & focus on the here and now, wherever I may be that is literally here and now...I'm in peace. I feel God along side in everything, allowing me to stay 'out of the way' as the good blessings unravel the "tough" the way only Christ can...

THE moment I am in is THE moment I am supposed to be in--over and over and over. Stay present. Stay open. Stay aware of blessings when trials arise...
Stay above yet not oblivious!