Friday, June 17, 2016

Faithful Friday!

I met God very young on a “you’re real” level before ever knowing Jesus and the Spirit.  If this makes sense.  I didn’t have that knowledge or access to it or being as young as 4 that kind of grasping for all that but I knew God; that maintained and sustained ME in all my horror growing up—it is in that I am closest to God. God was (is) my go to.

I also in some way, even young, knew others at places of deep sorrow without them telling me—I helped myself by helping others know joy.  Not being it for them, that’s when things have gotten messy for me in life prior…when people become like an addict (dependent) or v.v..
Not to be joy but rather enhance life and in turn the sharing God.

Most folks as an adult I find super uptight often lol lol I relate best when the childlike is visible or reachable in others because that IS my being.  It isn’t regression it is more an undoing of all the situational and environmental twisting, bending and breaking.  A have taken back that prepubescent wonder, awe and innocence, not sinless by any stretch.

This is a struggle, the uptight who guard that child in them with white knuckles… “Let the children come to me.”  We need not white knuckle to cling to Him, however, we do it rather than “let the children come to me.”

One flashing his batman key ring the other day when I wore my Robin shirt!! (childlike)

I suppose why I am sharing this is because this is Church for me “let the children come to me. Don’t stop them!”
This is my life.  There is no separate--Church life and life life are one = childlike not foolish nor infantile; I have come to Him and I love when others do too, especially with me and He.

God is this really cool toy I have and I want to share it with all the “kids” and not just for show and tell!