Saturday, February 14, 2015

Deprive vs. Sacrifice...settle down

Walking fine lines

I believe these two words get confused
as well as,
a raw deal at times.

Basic definitions:
Deprive-  prevent (a person or place) from having or using something.
Sacrifice-  an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy.

For myself the thought of either word,
at one time,
meant the same thing:
NO.  NO.

Even being of deep faith
NO.  NO.
brought forth feelings of:
not fair.

Why not!?

But--this isn't a bad thing!

Okay. It's not good for me, however

everyone else is and it's okay!?.

It wasn't until the Holy Spirit moved me to seek and let go
I began to
settle down.

There are things that are not beneficial for us,
with good reason.
Also things that would be wonderful in the here and now,
of course.
Perhaps far more beneficial in another time, place and space.

For me, God's promises and my own living it
transforms the "sacrificing/depriving."

Not a worth it--a loving it
on earth
as it is in heaven!

"Better is the end of a thing than its beginning, and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit."
Ecclesiastes 7:8