Saturday, November 21, 2015


imaginative fantasy; 
creative, playful
brightly colored
outside of the lines

furl a brow

save it for the big screen
top the box office on Christmas day

leisurely outlets;
bold, brazen
stark cases of reality
with a twist
Hollywood style


Thursday, November 19, 2015

Deja Vu

Can't shake this deja vu
the world has come and gone
a trillion times 
hard to explain,
one of those videos
you are standing still 
only the backdrops and your clothes
change repetitively 
you remain - unchanged...

Periodic flashes 
even a tree,
same thing - unchanged

Peaceful in every event

A handsome man
staring me back in the mirror
since the early 1990's
With a chuckle, I'd always say "better with a goatee?"

Who is this handsome stranger to my left?
Plays piano beautifully
as I (?) turn his pages lovingly...

Presence still creeps up on me 
around the Memorial Art Gallery...
Who's Jimmy?

Can't shake this deja vu
the world has come and gone
a trillion times...

Dear God,

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures" 

Back and forth
rip, shred and split, rabid jackal style
hopelessness; word of the day, new novelty
try to escape it
let go, let God -- insert eyebrows raising...

"He leadeth me beside the still waters"

Perhaps, throwing my hands in the air, stationary,
stagnant world
as not to be consumed 
tread water

What I am to do...

I am powerless.
I believe only God can and will redeem.
I give myself over to God and God's will...

"He restoreth my soul"


Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How Bright It Is

There are times of trial
Of course,
There is the pouring
And pounding of the rain
Days of stress and anxiety

How I do recall
The what was of it all
When it seemed to almost consume;

Placing my own hands over the spaces
Of light illuminating
More fear of what brightness may bring
Eyes so adjusted to the pitch black
The thought of anything outside
Causing a (knee) jerk response...

Not all long ago,
Though I hold it close,
That which once was
Brings forth feelings of:

     Freeing up my hands
          To hug...